Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Learn Differently to See Different Things

The new semester is going to start soon. All I have to do is set my goals, plan my time and know where to get help if I need it, so I can make sure I will start off as strongly as possible. This is because there were so many mistakes I made last semester. But making a change is not easy to me. I can't just relax while there's so much I have to know how to change my behavior. Or maybe it's even better to take some medical treatment to heal my brain.

Talk about medical treatment, one night, I was browsing Internet for hours while ignoring responsibilities like cleaning my boarding room. I saw on a website, a testimony from a man who had an unknown stomach disease, and fortunately, after so many years, his doctor prescribed the right medicine. He felt so happy because that medicine has stopped his pain. Can you imagine that? I've been imagining how the medicine can healed him. So interesting. And I think that's why I really like medicine, the very concept of saving lives and our possibilities as a human society for minimizing death and suffering from diseases. We know there are people who suffer from diseases such as asthma, diabetes, Crohn's, lupus, thyroid disease or any number of other conditions. These conditions can be totally invisible, especially in the beginning. Since they can't realize these conditions, it's important for health experts to make sure that health-care system can help people more actively. Which treatment strategy is right for them can be discussed with they doctors. They also can get the right medicine in the right dosage from pharmacists, absolutely.

As a pharmacy student, I always wanted to be participated in every qualitative explorations and optimizations of drug prescribing. It seems like I will take all of my energy to attend numerous pharmacy related seminars that can help me to broaden the horizons of my understanding of the field and giving me the chance to interact with scientists and pharmacists working on drug development. But am I ready for that? No. Managing the time is the biggest challenge. I have to find something that works for me and I will use it everyday. And also, not having books can put me behind everyone else before I even had the chance to start learning. So it's better to make sure I'm doing what I can to stay on top until my books arrive.

The best I can do is being face to face with my friends and tell them to offer some ideas for resolving the problems. Yes. Teamwork. My friends can do the same thing. I'm just going to tell you that collaborative working should be included in every way to reach any goal. An effective and efficient teamwork goes beyond individual accomplishments. I used to working on a team. I felt very comfortable. I've learned that the most effective teamwork is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work towards a common goal. Considering the group's ideas showed I'm interested in other people's ideas, not just my own. And this made me a good team member :)

Finally, I just want to say that I will practice, practice and practice to have a good academic background, including a science-based qualification, take the time to help my fellow teammates, no matter the request (I can guarantee there will be a time in the future when I'll need some help or advice), and use all of my skills, knowledge and experience to contribute to the success of my team's objectives.

Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Describing My Friends

I used to experience my life by spending time with people I don’t usually spend time with. But nowadays, I'd really like to spend time with some friends that will always give me an opportunity to ask and discuss something in depth. In my opinion, they are more intellegent than me, so I can seek a diversity of ideas. If I don't understand what they're saying, they will use simpler language to talk with me. I'm growing up with them.

Full of energy. Talkative. Justin Bieber fanatic. We're friends because we're different and we respect each others differences. I mean, imagine. Having the opposite person exactly like you. You wouldn't have anything to talk about. How boring.

So skilled in football. Never takes a back step even when I do something wrong. He openly criticizes it. I've learned from him how to love a girl. Walks so fast. We argue, debate, but never in a hateful way.

Laughs so loud. Funny. Enjoys telling or playing jokes. Good planner. Quick learner. She knows what is important for her friend.

I can't describe how kind she was. Constantly uses her hands when she speaks. Would like to spend too much on others and not enough on herself (but this is really changing).

Very good in cooking. Often helped me solving every problems. Good motivator. Never let someone tell me that I can't do something.

Has a great sense of style. Feminine. Caring. Open minded and very trustworthy which is very rare in people.